Momentous Grass-Fed Whey Protein Review
Momentous claims to have created the highest quality protein powder on the market. I’ve tested Momentous to find out if this protein supplement is as good as the manufacturer claims.
In-depth articles and hands-on reviews on all the stuff I do to remain fit and strong, including supplements, techniques and gear.
Momentous claims to have created the highest quality protein powder on the market. I’ve tested Momentous to find out if this protein supplement is as good as the manufacturer claims.
CAROL is a reduced exertion high-intensity interval training (REHIT) bike that I’ve used since 2019 to improve my cardiorespiratory fitness.
Hands-on review of the Theragun Elite percussion massage gun and a comparison to Theragun PRO, Hypervolt and others.
Studies have shown that consuming a 1:1 ratio of fat and protein before or after physical activity can speed up muscle recovery while carbs often have the opposite effect.
PowerDot 2.0 is an electric muscle stimulator (EMS) that has been scientifically proven to reduce pain, speed up recovery times and improve strength and conditioning. In this review, I’ll tell you how my wife and I use PowerDot as part of our CrossFit routine.
I’ve been a long-time fan of Bear KompleX gymnastic grips. But I recently switched to Victory Grips for CrossFit workouts because I consider them the absolute best and most comfortable grips on the market. In this review, I’ll tell you everything you need to know about what Victory Grips have to offer.
A tough workout adds stress to your body and causes muscle tissue to break down. In other words, working out hard makes you weaker — at least, temporarily. It’s what’s you do before and after a workout that determines if your body can repair the inflicted damage and come out stronger on the other side. … Read more
Insight into what’s the best diet to improve strength and endurance, and if carbs or fat are better sources of fuel for CrossFit, weightlifting and running.
Analysis of pre-workout ingredients based on the latest scientific research. Find out what pre-workouts can help you boost performance and build muscle.
Check out some of the best pre-workout supplements that can boost your performance and endurance during intensive workouts.
Proper hydration and smart supplement choices can make or break your workout performance. From pre-workout caffeine and BCAAs to water and electrolytes during your session, this guide covers exactly what to drink for optimal strength, endurance, and recovery.
I do CrossFit and continuously build up hand calluses from weightlifting. During high-rep bodyweight exercises, such as pull-ups and toes-to-bar, those calluses increase the risk of blisters and skin tears, and I end up with ripped hands that take days to heal and make showers an unpleasant experience. To reduce the chance of callus formation (and thus, … Read more