Meet the MK Media Group Team

Michael Kummer
Founder and Principal Writer
Email: [email protected]
Michael is a healthy living advocate and the founder of MK Supplements, an all-natural, animal-based dietary supplement brand. He’s also the host of the Primal Shift Podcast and a popular YouTube channel with more than 85,000 subscribers.
A former professional sprinter, Michael lives in the suburbs of Atlanta with his wife Kathy and their two children, Isabella and Lucas. The family operates the Kummer Homestead, where they raise honeybees, chickens, meat rabbits and geese.

Jim Malec
Chief of Operations
Email: [email protected]
Jim manages MK Media Group’s day-to-day operations, facilitating coordination among team members and ensuring that projects are completed on schedule. He also leads our written content strategy, SEO and quality control efforts. A former professional baseball coach, he’s the founder and editor of the Chalk & Clay baseball blog, which publishes coaching tips and first-hand gear reviews.

Richi Fonseca
Video Editor and Social Media Strategist
Email: [email protected]
Richi leads our video and social media strategy, and oversees video and visual content production across our business segments and channels.

Alidia Vane
Brand Partnerships Manager
Email: [email protected]
Alidia is the primary liaison between MK Media Group and the brands we work with, serving as the main point-of-contact for inquiries about product reviews, sponsorship opportunities, advertising, and any other type of collaboration.

Angie Bolaños
Community Manager
Email: [email protected]
Angie oversees the day-to-day operation of MK Media Group’s social media accounts, planning and executing our social content schedule and ensuring that our posts are engaging, authentic, and aligned with our vision and values.